
Monday, 26 April 2010

Cruising and Boarding with E-Tickets.

Who remembers when all your tickets and other necessary paperwork used to be sent to you in a lovely welcome pack with all your luggage labels enclosed?

Increasingly the industry is moving towards having all your documents online. Certainly from an industry perspective this is a good thing. Clients can just log on and print all the documents at their leisure, no more worry about postal strikes just before you sail, especially at Christmas, and it’s obviously saving them a fortune in paper, not to mention the benefits to the environment, but is it as personal?

I know a lot of people who look forward to that glossy pack dropping on to their doormat with all the exciting pictures of your destinations you can look forward to. It gave people something tangible to hold on to before the cruise. Can a piece of paper you’ve printed yourself evoke the same emotions?

As the cruise market increasingly moves in an online direction, (something like 85% of people will make their initial search/enquiry online) are the traditional cruise customers going to be left behind in a virtual blur or will cruise customers embrace the new ideas of cruising the web before cruising the seas?

So let me know what your thoughts are, and Happy Cruising.

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