
Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Now the ash has settled....................

We have all seen the news about the erupting volcano and how it has disrupted flights all over northern Europe. What you might not have heard is some of the conspiracy theories behind it.
Just for a bit of light hearted fun I have listed some of my favourite theories, but I would love to hear back about yours.

1. All European flights were grounded because of CME – Coronal Mass Ejection. The sun has been having massive solar flares throwing plasma into our atmosphere and disrupting all electronic equipment above a certain height.

2. The skies had to be kept clear for something much more important which could include
a. Military manoeuvres
b. The C.I.A. trying to prevent another 9-11 type disaster
c. Gold bullion being moved safely through the skies without risk of hijacking
d. Or my favourite, a top secret meeting between the governments of the earth and Aliens. Evidence for this apparently exists in this picture below of the volcanic craters.

3. Protestors have staged a massive hoax to prevent top bankers and financers from both sides of the Atlantic making important business meetings.

And remember the truth is out there!

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