
Friday, 26 November 2010

Full Body Scan – Naughty or Nice?

Just a quick one today; I’m looking to find out what you all think about the new full body scans at airports. Now in all fairness neither I, nor anyone I know have yet to be subjected to a full body scan so I know I’m not really in a position to comment on them fairly, but………

I have been wondering if any of you have had to go through this experience and what you thought of it.
Personally I don’t think I’d be too bothered by it but again that’s just me, I’m not sure how calm I’d be watching my wife or children going through it. I’ve had a look at some of the images taken, courtesy of Google images, (included here if you haven’t seen any yet), and they do seem fit for purpose i.e. identifying guns/knives etc rather than titillating the people behind the machine, but again it all comes back down to personal opinion. I think I'd be much happier knowing I might have to deal with a 'pervy' airport guard rather than a passenger who had sneaked a gun or knife onto a plane.
So what do you think? Are they a necessary evil?
Are they a big breach of privacy?
Both of the above?
Or are you just not bothered by them at all?
I’d be particularly interested in hearing back from people who have already gone through the experience, so let me know back here what you think.
And as always………

Happy Cruising

1 comment:

  1. We had one of these scans at Heathrow whilst we were on our way out to Miami for our Liberty of the Seas Cruise in September.

    We went to a private alcove and it was all very professionally done, and we certainly could see no pictures our side and I think that part was in another room; so nobody heard the screams or giggling!!

    I'm sure it is all very professionally handled and at the end of the day, it is no different to X-rays, MRI, or other medical imaging that we all take for granted. This is an improvement in security to keep us safe, so we should be happier about it; I just hope that the security elsewhere is just as thorough.

    My only minor concern is what all this is doing to our bodies; particularly the regular traveller. Yes, they say it's safe, but then when we first discovered smoking this was purported to have health benefits!!! Hindsight is a wonderful gift...
