
Saturday, 5 March 2011

Calling all Gingers

I'd like to take the opportunity today to talk to you all about a subject that is very dear to my heart. I hope you'll all read this and take it seriously, perhaps even forward it on to your friends/family. It's an emotive issue with an entire population of people at risk of extinction.
If you only do one thing today, do this!

For years now the Ginger population has been decreasing in size. In Northern and western Europe Gingers now only make up 2-6% of the population. Worldwide that figure drops to just 1-2% of the population!
Leading scientists think Gingers as an ethnic group will be extinct within the next one/two centuries unless drastic steps are taken to preserve and protect this group.

Gingers, as found naturally in the wild, (as opposed to people with dyed hair), are a truly unique and rare population. Ginger hair is actually the rarest hair colour to be found occurring naturally in human societies. Typically denoted by their fair skin, lighter eye colours, freckles and a sensitivity to UV they are easily spotted from a distance. Interestingly a unique feature of this hair colour is a lower tolerance to thermal pain, (heat), but a much higher tolerance to electrically induced pain than normally found in other hair colours.

A Ginger child is only produced when said child has two copies of a recessive gene carried on chromosome 16. But, because this gene is recessive fewer and fewer Ginger children are born every year.
To help preserve this important and historical ethnic group it is important you encourage any Ginger friends or relations you may have to have children with other Ginger people as this is statistically much more likely to pass on the Ginger gene.

Unfortunately both of my children have been born with blonde hair, but it's not too late for you. You can do something about this terrible plight today. Spread the word.
Don't let the Gingers die out!

Thank you for your time.

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