
Monday, 4 April 2011

How to get a great cruise deal..........

Have you ever thought about booking your next cruise whilst your still on your current cruise? Most people haven't. In fact most people don't even realise you can do this or that there are extra benefits for doing so.
Cruise lines love for people to book their next cruise whilst they're still onboard and very often give people tremendous offers for doing so......

Obviously the first big benefit is a heavily discounted price but you can also sometimes get;
free carparking;
free flights;
extra onboard credit;
priority room choices;
room upgrades etc.

But here's the big secret with onboard bookings that most people don't realise. Whilst you're booking it with the cruise line onboard you can nominate a travel agents back home to manage your booking. This means that when you get home your favourite travel agent could still look after you, deal with all your paperwork etc but you still get to keep the extra benefits onboard.
And here's the even better bit, with most cruise lines, if you nominate us,, as your travel agent when you get back we can then apply our discounts on top of the discounts the cruise line has already given you so you can end up with an absolutely amazing bargain.
If anyone has ever taken this route feel free to post back here what kind of deal you got.

Happy cruising

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