A lot of people get nervous about booking their first cruise, (or even there 50th), they're never sure what to do when; when they can expect flight tickets; their cruise tickets; how they get their luggage labels etc.
I thought some people might find it useful if I put together a time line of how the perfect cruise, (barring any problems), should proceed just so you know what you have to do/what you should expect and when.
Happy cruising
Do your research on the company you're booking with, both the cruise line and the travel agent - If you can, read passenger testimonials, (mine are all located on the right hand side of this post).
Check the terms and conditions of both the cruise line and travel agent you're booking with as they may vary.
Find out how much deposit you need to pay and when the full balance of the cruise will be due.
If you feel confident, go ahead and book you cruise, (check to see if there are any hidden charges first like booking fees etc).
Make sure your passport is in date for the duration specified by your travel agent, (or if it's not arrange for it to be renewed).
Once you've booked you should receive a booking confirmation ASAP. In this day and age there is no reason why that should be posted. Ask for it by email so you can check all the details on it are correct straight away.
You should now have two references. Your travel agents reference and the cruise line reference. Your cruise line reference sometimes won't be recognised for 24/48 hours after booking with your travel agent. Don't worry, this is normal.
98% of cruise lines these days operate an online check in process. If your travel agent is doing their job right you should have also been sent instructions on how to complete this. It will ask you for information like passport numbers and insurance details for your cruise so have them handy when you're filling this in.
It can be completed anytime between your initial booking and a few weeks before the cruise. Assuming you're not about to get new insurance or a new passport earlier is probably better than later.
Start thinking how you will be traveling to the port/airport. Did your deal come with free carparking or coach transfers? If not a good travel agent should be able to recommend several options or sort this for you.
About two to months before your cruise sets sail you'll be able to go back online via your cruise personaliser and view all the different packages that your cruise line is offering like excursions or drink packages etc. These are almost always booked direct with the cruise line on your cruise personaliser, not via your travel agent.
About a month before you sail, (depending on your cruise line), you will be able to view and print your e-tickets for your your cruise.
Depending on the cruise line it is also at this point you will need to either print out your self or request luggage labels be sent through to you. Very few cruise lines send these out automatically any more.
If you have all your tickets and luggage labels and the cruise is all paid for all you need do know is sit back, relax and enjoy a fabulous holiday.
At all stages of this process if you fell nervous, unsure or you just need a point clarifying call your travel agent and ask, they won't mind it's what they're there for.
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