
Saturday, 11 February 2012

112 - Got your number!

If you booked a cruise to the Med and were having a great time in one of your ports of call when the worst happened would you know what to do? How would you reach the emergency services of the country you're in? Have you even ever thought about it?
In a recent survey only 13% of UK residents knew how to contact emergency services when abroad. Only 13%!

That's not a great statistic, especially when you consider how many Brits holiday in the Med every year. So for anyone that doesn't know the number it's...........
This number will work in all EU member states as well as several other European country's like Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey. The Ukraine has also committed to have this number up and running in any cities that will host Euro 2012 matches.
This number is free to use anywhere in Europe from all fixed and mobile phones and will connect to the Police, fire brigade, ambulance, mountain rescue or coast guard.

Whats more you can call and be answered in English in 24 countries, (besides the UK, Ireland and Malta),  which are  Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Portugal, The Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Croatia, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

So next time you're on holiday make sure you know what to do in an emergency in a foreign country or city. Just call


Happy cruising

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