
Monday, 6 February 2012

Why no cruises to Africa?

I've been selling, living, breathing and on occasion dreaming cruises for the last couple of years now and do you know what I've noticed in that time? There are hardly any cruises to Africa.
Sure you'll get the odd World cruise that will take in the occasional port, normally Cape Town in South Africa, and you might get the odd repositioning cruise to take in a port or two but apart from that it's woefully underrepresented in the cruise world.
Why is that I wonder?
Sorry to anyone who's expecting me to answer this question because in truth I don't know; I don't understand it either. I think a cruise around the coast of Africa would be amazing, starting in Morocco and maybe finishing up in Madagascar? With the Suez Canal there's no reason you couldn't do a full circumnavigation of it even, but as I say, until now you've not really been able to book an African cruise.
There you go, did any of you spot it? I said until now. That's because I've just read that Fred Olsen will be unveiling an African cruise program for 2013 sailing between January and April and I for one am very excited about it.
One example of an itinerary I've just been looking a reads.........
Southampton : Funchal, Madeira : Mindelo, Cape Verde Islands : Praia, Cape Verde Islands : Dakar, Senegal : Banjul, The Gambia : Arrecife, Lanzarote : Casablanca, Morocco : Gibraltar : Southampton
It's a 21 night round trip from Southampton. But just think about it!
The Gambia!!!
Surely this can't just be me. There must be others out there who think this kind of itinerary is worth a look and who knows, if it proves popular maybe some other cruise lines will start to offer it.
What do you think though? Would you cruise to Africa? Have you? What was it like?
And why do you think more cruises don't call in there?

Happy cruising

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