
Monday, 19 March 2012

Should I book an inside cabin?

Anyone who's paying attention to my recent posts will know that I got back from a cruise on the P&O Arcadia, (great ship by the way), back in December. What you probably didn't know was that because I had to book it on a last minute basis I could only book an inside cabin. With that in mind today I'll be talking about the pros and cons of booking an inside cabin.
First of would I book an inside cabin again? Well maybe........
No, scratch that. Definitely. I don't suffer from claustrophobia so if it ever came down to a choice between having an inside cabin or not cruising I'd always have the inside cabin. That being said, in the future if I can avoid them I will. Why you ask...........?
There was nothing massively wrong with it. It was comfortable enough inside; I just found it messed up my body clock a little. There was something really weird about coming in from sunlight mid afternoon into a bulb lit room. The same was also true in the morning. I didn't like waking up and not being able to see natural daylight. Without that I had no real idea if it was 5:00am and I could go back to sleep or if it was 10:00am and I'd really over slept.

So what's my advice? If it ever came to a choice between not cruising or having to stay in an inside cabin again, whether due to budgetary constraints or the last minute nature of the deal, I'd always pick an inside cabin. However if you can make the pennies stretch, that window, (or balcony), really is worth it.
What do you do though? Do you save your money and book inside or do you like to be able to see the sea? Do you have to have that balcony?

Happy cruising

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