
Sunday, 10 June 2012

Animators Palette restaurant

I was writing yesterday about some of the amazing innovations you can find on a Disney cruise ship. Continuing on in that theme I felt I had to mention the Animators Palette restaurant on the Disney Magic. This has to be one of the cleverest ideas for a restaurant I've ever seen!

As you walk into the restaurant all the place settings, walls, ceilings, floor and even all the waiting staff will be black and white., (the waiting staff will be dressed in black and white).
Then as you progress through dinner colour, (or color as it's an American ship), slowly starts to bleed into the walls so that a picture of Mickey might be in black and white the first time you look but then the next time you look his shoes might be yellow. Not only that but to complete the effect every time your waiter comes up he will have changed his clothes slightly so whilst he'll start out in black and white clothes he mights swap his tie behind the scenes to a colour one and then after that his waistcoat.
It sounds really fun and it's the kind of thing both adults and children onboard can enjoy.
Have any of you eaten in Animators palette? Was it as fun as it sounded?

Happy cruising

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