
Friday, 17 December 2010

Only 8 days now....

I'm going to deviate from the normal advent treat a little today and instead let you all know what I've been up to this morning.
To start with, I'm really tired as it involved a 6:30 start and then I spent the rest of the morning trying to keep up with an over excited two year old, no easy task as I'm sure any parent can tell you. So where have I been? You'll have to read on for that info.

When Harry Met Santa.

As many of my regular readers will know I'm involved with a nursery group aimed specifically for Dads and children, (no Moms allowed normally), and they had organised a trip today to take all the kids to a Santa wonderland.
I wasn't too sure what to expect, all I knew was that we'd be meeting Santa and some of his reindeer, but I was actually really impressed. 
They had a Christmas tree forest with lots of different clues and surprises in to explore, (we didn't actually find any!).
Apparently this was a 'Christmas boat'. Not quite sure how they arrived at that conclusion; still Harry liked sailing his pirate ship so I'll let them off.

This was Ivy and Fern; two of Santas 'new reindeer'. I got told off for patting the top of their heads between the antlers.
Reindeer, I found out, have a shudder reflex there to dislodge snow that falls, you're meant to stroke them on their nose.

This is Harry making a wish in Santas wishing well.
Me: What did you wish for Harry?
Harry: Another penny to through in the well.
Hmmm I could see me getting stuck here for awhile!

'No I don't want to see Santa. Him a bit scary!'

'Oh, I get a toy - I like Santa now!'
That's the Christmas spirit Harry.

So who else has been to see Santa this year - I bet your visit wasn't as cold as mine; I could almost believe we were at the North Pole!

Merry Christmas.

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