
Thursday, 16 December 2010

Only 9 days now!

Well its finally here, our Christmas countdown has finally reached single figures; there’s only 9 shopping days left till Christmas! Let's hope you're all ready, you don't want to be out shopping on Christmas eve like I always am.
As always click below for todays Christmas advent treat.

Did You Know

Oliver Cromwell banned the eating of mince pies, Christmas pudding and anything else to do with gluttony during Christmas. Whilst these laws were subsequently ignored during the restoration and onwards; they were never repealed so it is still illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas day.

You can’t drive to Church on Christmas day - According to the Holy Days and Fasting Days Act of 1551, which still hasn’t been repealed, anyone attending Church on Christmas day must do so on foot.

For those of you out there who are keen fisherman you may be interested to know that whilst you are allowed to fish on Christmas day, due to a law imposed by Elizabeth I, again never repealed, it’s illegal to fish for Salmon on December 25th.

Be careful what you cook for your Christmas dinner this year as well. Again thanks to a law imposed by Elizabeth I, again never repealed, it is an offence to eat any bird on Christmas day other than goose.

I personally hate the term Xmas, much preferring Christmas. I always thought of it as a fairly modern invention, another form of text speech like LOL, OMG or LMAO but you may be surprised to learn it actually dates back to the fifteenth century!

The word Christmas means quite literally Mass of Christ but the short version ‘Xmas’ is derived from the Greek alphabet where X is the first letter of Christs name; Xristos, therefore becoming X-Mass.

What I can't figure out is how all these strange laws are still around - why haven't they been repealed?
If you of you know of any similar weird/wacky or just plain funny laws let me know about them below.

Strange but true.

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