
Thursday, 19 May 2011

Britons refuse to sample new food

I was reading an article in the paper yesterday about Britains eating habits that shocked me,(yep, you guessed it I'm about to jump back up on my soap box). One of the big things I love about cruising is the amazing menus and the chance to try local cuisines first hand but according to the article in the Metro one in five British adults were so unadventurous that they had never tried an olive! Not once!

One in five had also never tried asparagus or aubergines and one in fourteen had never eaten a sprout, (actually I can't really blame them for that last one).
Now I can understand trying a food and not liking it but not to ever try it in the first place is just crazy. More than (and this was the statistic that really annoyed me), half the people interviewed weren't interested in ever trying any new food and would either not encourage or actively discourage their children trying anything new. I thought that was disgusting; I mean where was this survey conducted, outside a Mcdonalds?
Here's were it gets scary though; Thirty percent of the people had eaten a burger by the age of two and seventy five percent had eaten chips by the same age.

Come on Britain, what are you playing at? Book a cruise, try the great service and the even better food and leave the burgers and chips at home, (or if you don't fancy cruising at least try an olive for me)!

Happy cruising


  1. We're just back from a fantastic 15 day cruise with Island Princess from LA through the Panama Canal to Ft Lauderdale. One lunch time we sat at a large table in the Buffet with an English lady who had apparently complained to the chef the previous day that she didn't like the "foreign" food! Tricky if you are abroad, I said....By the way, the food was fantastic and of course the huge selection always has something for every taste!

  2. If you're into local cuisine, cruising is the last thing you'd do!

  3. I always try the local food on the shore excursions.

  4. Can't believe some people have never tried an olive - I did, once, and would never let another pass my lips!!!!

  5. Trying new food, and trying new places, and trying new experiences are all about vision, a lust for life, and growing within one's self. Life is for living, and you only live once, so you have to be adventurous in your approach, otherwise you just miss out on so much. And that's a shame, really.
