
Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Sneaking Alcohol onto a cruise ship

First off, this isn't a continuation on the debate about whether it's right to sneak alcohol onto a cruise ship or not. That debate's been done several times in the past and I don't think either side are ever going to agree with each other.
From my point of view I can see two main reasons for bringing alcohol onboard yourself. Firstly, you fancy a quite drink in your cabin before you go out or as a night cap without having to wait for room service or walk all the way to a bar yourself. The second reason is that you have decided the cruise lines prices for drinks are too expensive so you bring your own booze to get drunk in your cabin before going out for the evening.
Whilst I can sympathise with both reasons the fact remains that cruise lines take a very dim view of taking alcohol onboard yourself. After all if you're drinking your own booze you're not buying theirs.
If a cruise line catches you bringing alcohol onboard several things can happen. If it's only a small amount they may not be too bothered and just let you through check in. They can take the alcohol off you and return it at the end of the cruise or, in extreme cases, they can refuse you entry to the ship without offering you any kind of refund; so beware there are pit falls to doing this!
That all being said if you still fancy bringing your own drink onto your cruise I've found the perfect way for you to do it
It's called a rum runner flask and is designed especially for cruises and other areas where alcohol might be needed to take through a scanner. It's basically a non rippable bag, like a medical saline bag, that you can fill with a liquid of your choice. The reason it's so successful is because it doesn't look like any kind of bottle it goes unnoticed on a scanner. It's also made of a material which has a density that doesn't resemble anything else used to transport alcohol, again making it almost un-detectable on a scanner. Although I can't find any reports on the Internet of any one being caught using one of these it's worth bearing in mind the consequences before you buy one. For anyone that is still interested in purchasing one you can just follow this link here.

Happy, (tipsy), cruising  


  1. why not just bring a large water bottle and fill it with vodka? Unless they open it and smell it, they won't know it's not water...isn't this an obvious technique?

    1. The water bottle trick is an obvious technique, but it is outdated and won't work all the time.
      This site lists all the techniques and explains which are the most effective:
