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Monday, 10 October 2011

My babys first word!

Sorry if this post sounds a bit mushy but I'm doing the proud Dad thing today. My little daughter Summer has said her first word and it was Dada!!!!
I missed it unfortunately as I was busy at work organising lots of nice cruises for you all but she said it again when I got home, "Hiya Dada". Not bad going for a seven month old; obviously genius runs in the family, (cough, cough).
I'm particularly pleased as Harrys first word was 'Mama'.
She's also just started furniture walking at the weekend so I had to get myself up in the loft yesterday and dig out all the old stair gates, as you can see here.
It only seems like a couple of months since I was bringing her back from the hospital; doesn't time fly?
Oh well, it wont be long before she's answering me back beacause she knows best, just like her big brother Harry.

Happy cruising

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