
Friday, 24 February 2012

Cruising with your pets

That's right you can take your pets on holiday with you.
I wrote a post a couple of days ago about how you could take fencing lessons on the Queen Victoria, (you can read the post here), and continuing in the theme of revealing little known features of Cunard cruises; today I'm going to tell you about how you can bring your pets onboard the Queen Mary 2.

When I say pets please don't misunderstand me. I don't mean you can bring a horse onboard with you or even the family favourite hamster. Cunard do however let you bring your dog with you onboard the QM2.
Subject to a few terms and conditions of course.
  • The first point is to always book early. There is only twelve spaces per cruise and the spaces are allocated on a first come first serve basis so make sure you get in early.
  • You'll have to pay for them of course and a quote can be arranged through your favourite travel agent when you're booking your own cabin.
  • They can't stay in your cabin with you. They have to stay in the kennels provided or the exercise yard located just next to them at all times although you can visit them frequently.
  • This service is only available on the QM2s transatlantic crossings.
  • Cunard's "Pets on Deck" program, includes adding a range of pet-friendly services and amenities whilst onboard such as fresh-baked biscuits at turn-down; a choice of beds and blankets; and even a QM2-logoed coat. As part of the enhanced program, travelling dogs also receive a complimentary gift pack featuring a QM2-logoed coat, Frisbee, name tag, food dish and scoop; a complimentary portrait with pet owners; a crossing certificate and personalised cruise card. It almost sounds as though the pets are pampered as much as the owners whilst on the ship.
Now I've been on the QM2 a couple of times and I'll admit I've never seen the kennels or even spoken to anyone whose wanted to book a dog onboard with them so I'm genuinely interested in it. Have you ever cruised with a pet or have you ever seen a dog on the QM2? What was the experience like? You'll have to let me know here.

Happy cruising.

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