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Sunday 14 November 2010

How do you pronounce Caribbean?

I know it seems like a silly point, but do you say Kara-be-an or Car-ib-e-an?
Although the pronunciation most favoured in the UK is Kara-be-an if you’re in the islands the pronunciation the locals use sounds like Kar-ib-e-an.
It’s always easy when you’re in the Caribbean to spot the tourists by this point. Everyone tends to be walking around mispronouncing all the place names.
The word Caribbean actually comes from the word Caribs, the name for some of the indigenous peoples who lived on the islands before the Dutch, Spanish, English, French and Portuguese arrived. Again the locals pronounce Carib as Kar-ib as in a car you drive as opposed to Carib with the Car pronounced as in carry.
By the way, the Caribs say "po-ta-tow," not "po-tate-ow," and they should know. Potato is a Carib word adopted into English.

So how do you pronounce Caribbean?
Let me know back here?

Happy Cruising

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