
The Funnier Side Of Cruising

I've always tried to bring you the most updates news, reviews, hints, tips and insider knowledge of the cruising world but we can't be serious all the time.
Below you'll find a collection of posts of written on the lighter side of the cruising world, as always just click the topic you're interested in to read it.

Delta get homophobic, (sort of) karaoke

My top ten towel animals

Harlem Shake - On a cruise ship

Flash mob in Dubai airport

Yes, this really did happen to me!

Dancing on a cruise ship - New Internet craze

Run your own cruise line  - A game for your phone

A funny cruise joke for you

Funny quotes from onboard

Spoof Titanic 3D trailer

Funny Welsh road sign

Scary airports no. one - St Maartens

Weird cruise coincidence

Man vs Food Alaska edition

Headless Horsemanning and Koalaing on a cruise

Weird phone conversations with cruisers

I hate call centres

Funny language mix ups.

Crazy American laws

You know you were born in the 80s when........

My top five cruise movies

The problem with airplanes

If World War One had been a bar fight

Funny hotel names

QM2 vs The Independence of the Seas

Unwanted souvenirs

Lifes imponderable questions

Name your own cruise ship

How much fuel does a cruise ship use?

Cruise line livery's

Funny cruise ship photos

A cruise joke

Calling all gingers

Cheap flights song

Top ten ways to tell you're on a budget cruise ship

Top ten ways to tell you're on a luxury cruise ship

Top ten ways to tell you're on an Italian cruise ship

Top ten ways to tell you're on an American cruise ship

Top ten ways you can tell you're on a British cruise ship

How to swear in a foreign language

Couldn't be more British

What kind of cruiser are you?

The Battle of Trafalgar - Politically correct style

Americans, you gotta love em!

A spoof cruise horoscope

Cruise jokes

A cartoon of a complaining cruiser

Can you live on a cruise ship? look-a-likes

Dear America - We want our Country back!

Ash cloud conspiracy theories

Genuine complaints

People really have asked us this!

Check out my look-a-likes!

Spoof Gilbert and Sullivan cruise song